This Flashy-Painted Fish Looks Like It Belongs in ‘Avatar’
Photos of a vibrantly-colored fish that looks too flashy to be real have gone viral on Japanese social media, prompting many to ask if it was the result of too…
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World record 9ft 4¼in fish is caught in Italian river after a 43-minute struggle
A ‘monster’ catfish could be the largest ever caught at a staggering 9ft 4 1/4 inches, after an Italian angler fought with the bottom-dwelling beast for 43 minutes before eventually…
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Giant 16th-Century ‘Colossus’ Sculpture In Florence, Italy Has Entire Rooms Hidden Inside
This epic colossus, half man, half mountain, was erected in the late 1500s by renowned Italian sculptor Giambologna as a symbol of Italy’s rugged Appenine mountains. This mountain god, fittingly named Appennino,…
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‘Extremely rare’ sunfish found off Sydney’s Northern Beaches
Two divers have experienced a ‘once in a lifetime’ moment after spotting a pair of sunfish while diving off the coast of a popular Sydney beach. Justin Ewan, along with his friend…
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Man climbs 8,835ft mountain opposite on 600-year-old steps
A nail-biting video has captured the ascent of a daredevil climber up a set of 600-year-old steps known as the ‘stairs of death’ on a mountain in Peru. Heart-stopping footage…
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A giant whale stranded in the Argentine forest was found by people
Argentinean sculptor Adrián Villar Rojas is a visionary artist who transports viewers into otherworldly realms through his monumental sculptural works. With an uncanny ability to blend elements of science fiction…
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Recently Discovered Waterfall in Peru Looks Like a Bride Dressed in a Wedding Gown and Veil
Just a couple of years ago, nobody knew about this breathtaking waterfall that looks like a bride in a wedding dress with a full skirt, glancing over her shoulder, with…
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Cappadocia, the central highland region of Anatolia, is likened to the brightest star of Turkey.
The land of Anatolia is likened to the brightest star of Turkey. The land of Anatolia is likened to the brightest star of Turkey Cappadocia possesses a unique and unparalleled…
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He grew a 1.364 lbs pumpkin and then used it as a boat
A gigantic pimped-out pumpkin has been paddled down the River Ouse today after an incredible carve. Tom Pearcy rowed across the water in a 1,364lb canoe created from a monster pumpkin….
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2 eagle parents took turns getting covered in snow to protect their eggs from the California storm
Thousands of people are tuning into a livestream from Friends of Big Bear Valley showing two bald eagles named Jackie and Shadow work to keep their eggs warm. A video…
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